Page 48 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 48

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            ҽτ                                                                                                       ݋ყɽ኷

            ҽτ݊࠯Зஹᚃ˸Շ௅˪ᐏ                                                                                             ݋ყɽ኷‘݊1970ϋ˾͟ఐطhጅ̔౶שᙲٙ߅ˌ˪dɓਪ˰уிϓΌଢᚖਗdɰٜટᅂᚤə˚ܝλ
            ੻ߕ਷ෳ౶̔ږ྅ᆤ௰Գኬ                                                                                             ഺ෰ཥᅂʈุ࿁߅ˌ˪ٙשᙲࠬࣸdޟЇගટڮϓəʦ˚तࣖ߅Ҧٙɽ׳ମ੹fМᎇഹӊࡈɛːʕԟ௅
            စࣿ࿲ٙԭ໼ኬစdவՇ௅                                                                                             ݋ყɽ኷‘dᗴࡡɢ͑ჃၾЫΝίl
            ʿڐಂٙˇϋPiٙփˌဎ                                                                                            Star Wars
            ݴ‘f˼ٙཥᅂ̂ʱˀᏐə                                                                                             Star Wars is the science fantasy saga conceived by George Lucas in the 1970s and became an instant worldwide
            ɛ׌ٙ΢ࡈᄴࠦd੽ɽჼɽ                                                                                             pop-culture phenomenon after its first release. The massive success of Star Wars played a paramount role in the
            ׳ٙઋၫՑᏀҵٙઋ૧ே˿                                                                                             evolution of the Hollywood film industry. The film not only sparked interest in science-fiction (sci-fi) genre, but
                                                                                                                     also revolutionized the way special effects are being used today. May the force be with you as you travel down
                                                                                                                     memory lane with Star Wars!

            Ang Lee

            Director Ang Lee has created
            huge ripples in the movie industry
            by becoming the first Asian to
            win two Oscar Awards for Best
            Director. He won them for both
            Brokeback Mountain and his
            latest film, Life of Pi. His films
            reveal a full spectrum of the
            human experience, from vitality to
            sexuality to oppression. With so
            many international awards under
            his belt, he is definitely a living
            testament that Taiwan’s movie
            industry can have a spotlight in
            the international arena.

            2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival                                                                                                    Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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