Page 57 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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 Vintage Ggadgets  TWho says you cannot have fun without cell phones and video games? These classic toys and games once provided

 Blast to the past with these old school gadgets! These retro classics are historical artifacts with a direct ancestral   countless hours of entertainment before the high-tech era kicked in. They were able to stand the test of time, creating
 lineage to today's high-tech gadgets. Clunky and chunky as these gadgets may be, they have once brought about   such fond memories that they will be passed down to future generations.
 convenience and entertainment before the evolution of more advanced equipment.

 2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival      Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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