Page 87 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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 ˆ਷ყଡ଼/Չ˼Ъۜ‰Other Works                                              Ӎᎉࢪj保坂俊彥€˚͉

 ᖭ೥         ˚͉ෂ୕ഁِ

 ഁϋࣛҢܘఃᛇЪ೥d೥೥ᜫҢ̙˸࠱ഹซ྅ٙॼၶՑஈ቉༷fӊ຅Ң೥೥  ೥ഹ؛ɻ༸אဂႀ឵စࡰٙࠬၔd݊˚͉܀ɿ޴຅ෂ୕ٙɓ၇ഁِfί˸ۃٙϋ˾d݊ཀϋಂග˚͉܀
 ࣛdఱҗֽໄԒ੹Ѝྫྷྤছֱ၅f     ɿࡁ௰੬ِٙ؇Гf

 Drawing    Japanese Traditional Toys

 I loved to draw a picture in a childhood. I drew a picture and widened imagination. And I   It is a traditional toy of Japan. The pictures of the Samurai or Kabuki actor are drawn on the kite. Japanese kids play
 was feeling as I was in the bright color dream.      these in new-year holidays from olden days.

 2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival      Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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