Page 96 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 96

寶島競沙                          國內組 / 參賽作品                             Other Works

        Domestic                     隊名:貢寮國小  隊長:楊婕軒

                                                                                                                      國內組 / 參賽作品                             Other Works

                                                                                                                       隊名:駱駝旅人  隊長:黃詩婷  隊員:王國勝、王翊慈、范秉綸、施奕辰

            天空之城                                                                                                      走過千年的足跡

                 旅行在湛藍無際的天空,有著一座美麗的城堡,城堡的大門連接著通往天空的道路,                                                                     時至今日,千年以來,人面獅身像依舊靜靜守護在卡夫拉金字塔旁,彷彿在向法老訴

            漫步在步道上,離蔚藍的天空彷彿只有幾公尺的距離。快來一場夢幻的城堡之旅吧!                                                                     說駱駝商隊的艱辛旅程,如何讓埃及時而強盛、衰退、繁華或是沒落。如今映入眼簾的,

            Castle in the sky                                                                                        Footprints through thousands of years

                 There is a gorgeous castle located in the boundless azure blue sky. The gate of the castle is            For thousands of years, the Great Sphinx stands erect next to the Khafre’s pyramid. Its existence seems to
            connected with the road leading to the sky. Wandering along the path, the sky is almost within reach.Start   portray the difficult and ardurous journey of the caravan passed by with their camels. It is like a symbol showing the
            your dream journey to visit the castle.                                                                  rise, decline, prosperity, and collapse of Egypt. However, after receiving the wealth from hard-working ancesters,
                                                                                                                     the caravan traveled with camels no longer exists nowadays. Travellers look up to the hardship ancesters had
                                                                                                                     overcome with respect and devote to preach the brilliant glory for another thousands of years.

      96   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      97
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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