Page 107 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 107
戀戀芒花思古道(第六屆草嶺古道芒花季) 2007
2007/Journey of the Nostalgic Trail
The main theme of this year was to return to the ancients. The trail was designed as an antique
passage through the Qing Dynasty two hundred years ago. Visitors stepping onto the stone trail felt
like being taken by a time machine, back into the past in just a minute. Because the festival was so
highly commented on, the administration extended the activity period for the first time: extending
the festival by one more week to early December. In addition to the regular activities from previous
years, several novel and amusing games were designed for the year. These included ‘Modeling for
Mountain Bandits’ at the Caoling Historical Trail, ‘Marching to Bandits Hideout’ where prizes were
given away to contestants, and finally a Flour Miniature Art Exhibition. More than that, the host unit
especially designed “the space-time capsule” for visitors to write messages to their loved ones and
芒花 keep inside a capsule. Those who were successful through trials by the mountain bandits had the
▲年度活動官網。 chance to get one capsule. After writing down their message, the capsule was sealed up and saved in The Legend of the Silver Grass
‧ 拾穗
the administration for
one year. It wasn’t
until October the
106 next year, before 107
山海間的古道記憶 ▲將草嶺古道佈置成一場盛大、復 the new festival
味性及教育性的遊戲,適合閤家參 started, that the
加。 capsules would be
sent to their loved
ones. Visitors were
─ 草嶺古道尋幽行
fascinated by the
concept of time
travel capsules and
eagerly joined the
十年精彩全紀錄 Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
activity during the
festival. On the
first weekend of
the festival three
t h o u s a n d f i v e
hundred visitors
crowded into the
Northeast Coast,
some even coming
▲為登山遊客奉上一杯熱茶。 all the way from