Page 30 - 發現‧黃金沙城
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ତ 2011 ၅
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Chronicle of the Event ᎉ ᖵ
2010.08.31 ҁϓ2010Ӎᎉ֙ٙᏨীʈЪdԨટᚃආБ2011ϋܓӍᎉ֙ٙΆ finish reviewing the 2010 festival, and start to work 2010.08.31 ߏ
ྌʈЪf on the 2011 event
hold the preparatory committee for the second
2010.09.10 ̜කୋɚϣᘪ௪ʃଡ଼ึᙄԨᆽႩ˴ᕚd೯̈ୋɓ܆ᒗߒ̮Ӎ time, and confirm the main theme for 2011 event; 2010.09.10
ᎉࢪٙཥɿඉf sending the first invitation to foreign sculptors
publicly invite sponsors 2010.12.15
2010.12.15 ʮකᒗᗎпᅀਠf confirm foreign sculpture team lists, and the scale
of their planning sand sculpture 2010.12.31
2010.12.31 ҁϓ̮ྠඟᒗሗԨᆽႩྠඟႡЪᅼʿᅰඎf
start to "pound up", build square, wooden walls and 2011.03.01
2011.03.01 ؐᅼ਼ӍЪุකf fill with sand
2011.03.10 ҁϓɛɢʱʈৣໄʿΆྌf complete human resources planning 2011.03.10
2011.03.15 ҁϓਖ᜕ήҖܝdܱɺዚආታ၅ඤऎ˥कఙdකܱӍe
using cranes, continue to "pound up", filling the
ήe͂ήਿഃЪุf squares with sand like a giant sandpit, ensuring the 2011.03.15
sand is pounded down as hard as possible
2011.03.22 Ӎᛉ௪ʈЪᚃආБdνᑗࣛʮఽʿո֛᚛ݖഃf prepare temporary public toilets and other
equipment 2011.03.22
Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival