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       ତ   ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ26                                                                                               ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ27                                                                              2011 ၅
       ږ h ර                                                                                                                                                                                                 ඤ
       Ӎ    ɓԉᗼ                                                                                                      ऎ൥                                                                                      ਷
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            ɓԉᗼɦ၈ዹԉᗼձڗ࿻ᗼdίɓছɛٙΙ൥ʕᐼ݊ၾෂႭʕٙዹԉᖕ€unicornᑌซίɓৎdඪ׌ɓ                                                        ऎ൥ԒஈίჇჃϾᘌࢡఫиٙ̏฽d݊̈Ѝٙᆑ˥ঐ˓fऎ൥ঐᆑɝ90Ϸଉٙऎ                                                    ᖵ
            ԉᗼኹϞڗϾяᑮૅًٙڗ˫dᜫӬࡁˢ˰ޢɪ΂О͛يேࠅટڐෂႭʕዹԉᖕٙҖ൥fίʕ˰ߏ˸                                                             㛪dί˥ʕஸवɽߒ20ʱᙒfऎ൥˴ࠅ͜⥬˫ίऎֵܱઢ͠ಠᗳdΝࣛdՉઽชٙ                                                   ஔ
            ۃdਠɛၾᒠږஔɻਗ਼ɓԉᗼൖމग़ॕٙ͛يdՉڗ˫஗຅ژዹԉᖕٙԉ™dᄆ࠽ڢɭfᒱ್ତʦʊ                                                            ᄘࡶձᙃ᛫ɰՈઞ಻e፫й̌ঐdຠՑ࠮يdک͜኉ਗ਼͠ಠᗳٙಠېॎd್ܝਗ਼ՉЂ                                                     ၚ
            ʔΎਗ਼ӬࡁၾዹԉᖕᑌซίɓৎdШ͟׵ɓԉᗼԒஈჇჃϾᘌࢡఫиٙ̏฽d̋ɪዹत̮ٙᝈdӬࡁʥ                                                            ᜗Φદfऎ൥ɰΦ௡ᗳeழ᜗ਗيeಔيdޟЇՉ̴ऎᖕ€νዹԉᗼձऎোf                                                     Ό
            ್݊˿ɛഹ৖ٙ͛يf                                                                                                                                                                                       ፽
                                                                                                                     Ъ٫jWilliam Dow
            Ъ٫jYousef Bakir


                                                                                                                     The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a
                                                            Narwhal                                                  large flippered marine mammal with
                                                                                                                     a   d i s c o n t i n u o u s   c i r c u m p o l a r
                                                            The narwhal is a medium-sized toothed
                                                                                                                     distribution in the Arctic Ocean and
                                                            whale that lives year-round in the
                                                                                                                     sub-Arctic  seas  of  the  Northern
                                                            Arctic. Due to its peculiar helical tusk
                                                                                                                     H e m i s p h e r e .   T h e   w a l r u s   i s
                                                            extending from the Narwhal’s upper
                                                                                                                     immediately  recognized  by  its
                                                            jaw, some people refer the Narwhal as
                                                                                                                     prominent tusks, whiskers and great
                                                            a sea Unicorn. In the past, merchants
                                                                                                                     bulk. Adult Pacific males can weigh
                                                            would regard their tusks as magical
                                                                                                                     up to 1,700 kilograms (3,700 lb) and,
                                                            relics, as precious as an actual Unicorn
                                                                                                                     among pinnipeds, are exceeded in
                                                                                                                     size  only  by  the  two  species  of
                                                            AuthorjYousef Bakir                                      elephant seals.
                                                                                                                     AuthorjWilliam Dow

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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