Page 5 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 5


               Words from the Director of the Administration




                  今年福隆國際沙雕藝術季的主題是「金沙榮耀」,透過全球 13 個國家地區的 24 名好手創作,



              Experience the unique charm of sand sculptures on Fulong Beach

                  With the tranquil blue water, blue sky, and gold sand, Fulong Beach offers some spectacular coastal
              landscapes. The beach consists of soft, white and fine quartz sand; it has outstanding texture and becomes highly
              malleable and bonds easily after it is mixed with water. Therefore, this area is evaluated as the most suitable place
              for sand sculpting in Taiwan by the World Sand Sculpting Association. After years of development and promotion,
              Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival has become a well-known event by the world.
                  The theme of this year’s festival is “Glory of Golden Sand.” 24 sand sculptors from 13 countries are invited
              to take part in this festive event to present the glory of “The World’s Bests.” There will be a variety of creations
              displayed on Fulong Beach, including the tallest building in the world, the glory of the world’s best-selling albums,
              the most expensive painting, and the miniature of Taiwan’s bustling night markets. Along with the sculptures shown
              in the Taiwan World Sand Sculpting Championship zone and the Domestic Sand Sculpture Competition zone, 80
              sculptures in total will be shown.
                  The sand sculpting event is organized by the Tourism Bureau and Fullon Hotels & Resorts of LihPao
              Construction. With collected resources from private companies and experiences from the Tourism Bureau, the
              Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival has become a must-visit sight on this island. Moreover, to create
              a tourist-friendly environment, a barrier-free trail is built for people with physical disabilities and families to take a
              close look at the stunning sand sculptures. These barrier-free facilities have received a lot of positive feedback.
                  We would like to express our gratitude to all the staff members, government units, and sponsors. Only with
              their support and assistance can we lead everyone to experience the unique charm of Fulong Beach.

                               交通部觀光局東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處   處長
                                             Director of the Administration , Fang Zheng-Kuang

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