Page 31 - 手沙雕夢
P. 31


                                                                                                                    ‧ 雕夢︾

                                                                                                                  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季


             看這裡,笑㆒個(Seth Lower作品)
             巨大的相機獨自躺在沙灘上,透過長長的鏡頭,觀                            圍棋盤前的哆啦A夢,圓圓的臉上掛著笑容,等待
             看著歡樂的男女眾生,也記錄一波波發自內心的笑                            您的來訪。
             Look Here with a Smile: The huge camera lies down   Doraemon: Doraemon is sitting in front of the goban
                                                               with smile on its round face to wait for your visit.
             on the beach by itself, using its pretty long camera
             lens to look on the happy people, and to memorize the

             smile from their deep hearts.
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