Page 32 - 手沙雕夢
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      ‧ 雕夢︾  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季


                                                                  The Fugui Golden Buddha

                                                                  呈 現 , 是 一 切 善 念 的 緣 起 , 也 是 一 切 智 慧 的 組
                                                                  Fugui Buddha is the same as kyamuni in Thailand.

                                                                  The image of Buddha is pretty mellow, symbolizing
               3.牛連忘返                                             the richness and fulfillment of people. That is "If you
                                                                  are wealthy, you have to learn the meaning of content;
               Happy Together in the Year of Ox
                                                                  learning Buddhism is lofty, and being content to learn

               2009年是傳統習俗中的牛年,更富有「牛轉乾坤」                           Buddhism is right the meaning of wealth. The Xindao
               的吉祥意涵,近來全球景氣低迷,沙雕藝術家特別                             Master said that "Wealth means everything is showed
               以台灣水牛為入口意像,象徵牛轉「錢」潮、在福                             in the most beautiful way. That is the origin of any
               隆「牛」連忘返!                                           good will and the combination of all of the wisdom."
               2009 is the year of ox in Chinese traditional custom.   Wish your dreams come true.
               That has the lucky meaning of "twist the bad fate."

               Recently the global economy has been so low, so the
               sand sculptors use the Taiwan water buffalo as the
               main theme, symbolizing the recovery of economy
               and wish people happy together in Fulong!
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