Page 86 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
P. 86


                                                                                                                                                                                     點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

            ˢᒄЪۜjᎲᙜ                                                                                                  ˢᒄЪۜjʔࡀᎲ
            ඟΤjِӍɰဵӮ                                                                                                 ඟΤjBee Power

            ඟࡰj ˮܠణeቍѹڤeˮܠ଄e                                                                                         ඟࡰj ᄎࠀЮe๝ඩনeੵॖശeቍ౹ʚe
                  Ӂ̙ᑢeஹڦ௫                                                                                                  ࢱ৷ధ

            ЪۜႭ׼j                                                                                                    ЪۜႭ׼j

            以騰雲駕霧的龍來呈現龍年這個主題。把龍                                                                                      今年是龍年,我們將龍化形為不倒翁。臺灣的音
            頭配置於頂端來襯托出龍的霸氣和尊貴,爪                                                                                      樂與電影近年來發展得很不錯,希望在這龍年,
            中掌握著千變萬化的雲朵,在在展現出龍的                                                                                      臺灣的音樂及電影可以越來越好,屹立不搖,永
            氣勢。                                                                                                      遠不會倒。

            Soaring Up Dragon:  In response to  this                                                                 Dragon Tumbler Rolly Polly: Representing the
            year’s  topic, the work aims to  present                                                                 dragon  as  ‘a  tumbler’, moving in  circles
            the dominating nature and dignity of                                                                     represents it as never falling.

                                                       ˢᒄЪۜjෳ౶̔ʘྫྷ                                                                                              ˢᒄЪۜjΣၽᝄཥᅂߧห
                                                       ඟΤjɺԌඟ                                                                                                  ඟΤjDancing Cu Cu

                                                       ඟࡰjᇹ֗۬e௓௹ੰe໢ߧҒeරጳࡪe                                                                                     ඟࡰjเ๎೘e஢௱e୿ബ଄eஹभޛe
                                                             ஢ᖎ⒜                                                                                                     රɷຄ

                                                       ЪۜႭ׼j                                                                                                   ЪۜႭ׼j

                                                       電影可分為許多類,諸如微電影、劇情長片等;又                                                                                  作品以魏德聖導演的史詩大片─「賽德克巴萊」為創
                                                       以內容可分為浪漫喜劇、恐怖片、科幻片等等。而                                                                                  意發想,希望藉此作品向臺灣電影從業人員致敬。
                                                                                                                                                               Salute to Taiwanese Movies: Inspired by the epic
                                                       Dream of Winning the Oscar: As the final mark                                                           movie Seediq Bale, the work is a salute to the
                                                       for  all  the  film-related  workers,  winning  an                                                      film’s director Wei De Sheng, and all the film-
                                                       Oscar is like a dream come true.                                                                        related professionals in Taiwan.

            2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
            The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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