Page 75 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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ყଡ଼/Չ˼ЪۜOther Works ӍᎉࢪjJonathan Bouchard̋ࣅɽ ყଡ଼/Չ˼ЪۜOther Works Ӎᎉࢪjˮ؏ʕ
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̋ࣅɽٙ̆˂˸ᘌఫεഹΤd˷הϞٙ܀ɿேఃᛇܙί˒ِ̮e਼ɛd ϤЪۜٙᜳชԸІʕෂ୕ٙ˝ؐϋjɓࡈ܀ഁᕣίɓૢږɪdจܠ݊
א͂˽dҢɰʔԷ̮fʃࣛࡉdҢఱ྅Չ˼ٙʃ܀ɓᅵdɰఃᛇِΏɪϜಓ ϋϋϞቱf
ԨӚϞྼତdШҢɓٜӚҙাϋԟࡈྫྷซdɰᒔাࣛᚔٙːઋf Nian Nian You Yu (Fish)
The inspiration of the work comes from traditional Chinese print images. It’s about a child
Canadian Dream riding on a huge golden fish, Nian Nian You Yu means ‘having more than one needs every
Canada is known to have very cold winters and a lot of snow. Almost every kid loves to play year’.
outside in the snow, doing winter sports, snowman or throwing snowballs to each other.
Here is a personal memory that could represent a very classic from my country. As a kid,
like so many others, I really much liked to play hockey with my friends, cherishing a little bit
the goal of becoming as good as the professionals to play in the National Hockey League.
Finally as you can see, it didn’t really turned out this way for me, was and it is still a
lot of fun to play hockey with friends!
2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories 鼓動‧童心