Page 79 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 79

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 ˆ਷ყଡ଼/Չ˼Ъۜ‰Other Works                                    ӍᎉࢪjFergus Mulvany€ฌဧᚆ

 ͛նٙਿͩ      ̮࣪ܠซ

 ഁϋٙϓڗཀ೻˸ʿ˨͎ፋٙ઺ԃd࿁ҢࡁӊɓࡈɛٙᅂᚤேܘɽfҢІ̼ί  ʃࣛࡉҢ̙˸ఊఊ̥͜௰ᔊఊٙॷؐd௴Ъ̈΂ОҢঐซ྅ٙ˰ޢf̥ࠅλλོᎸԨ੃ቮ܀ɿd˼ࡁٙ
 ༵ఙڗɽdଉա˨ፋஈ˰࿒ܓٙᅂᚤdঐ੄ਗ˓ਂٙ؇Гd˼ഒʔึ͜൯ٙd  ซ྅ɢ̙ˢɽɛࡁהঐኹϞٙৌబேࠅ̙ᝈճl
 Ԩ༺ϓͦᅺf     Thinking outside the box

            When I was a child I would create whole worlds from something as simple a cardboard box. A child's imagination is
 Building Blocks  bigger than any parents’ bank account if they encourage it!
 The foundations of who we become are built upon our childhood activities and how our
 parents influence them. I grew up on a farm and was very influenced by way that my father
 would make rather than buy and repair rather than replace. He also helped me understand
 the satisfaction of creating and completing something by your own hands.

 2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival      Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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