Page 97 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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 ਷ʫ௴จӍᎉˢᒄ    National Creative Sand Sculpture Competition

 ˆ਷ʫଡ଼ŊԳЪ‰Selected Works/Totoro  ˆ਷ʫଡ଼ŊԳЪ‰Selected Works/Games Never End

 ¾ ඟΤjӍӍԭ   ¾ ඟڗj஢෽㒥  ¾ ඟࡰjɕʩ᷊eѐԳත  ¾ ඟΤjӍ˓  ¾ ඟڗj௓ۯѶ  ¾ ඟࡰj֜ܠතeੵ˂ၤeᕧ˳͉
 ¾ ЪۜΤ၈jᎲ፟  ¾ ЪۜΤ၈j༷Ꮥഁϋ

 ¾ ЪۜႭ׼jᎲ፟‘݊ࢗ੠ᒺ௴Ъٙփˌڽᎈཥᅂd޴ڦʔˇɛே࿁Չ౜ᄳٙઅ᎑ඊӀ͛  ¾ ЪۜႭ׼j˜ڛnnɦ৛Ըਢl™5e6ࡈ܀ɿఖഹ΂˂ੀћഹiʔ݊͜ގᅁͯัԸ٫ʔ
 ݺʿߕᘆɽІ್dΙ൥޴຅ଉՍfவϣٙ˴ᕚ݊Ҏૐঐᔟ͟Ӎᎉ௴ЪᜫɽྫΎ  ഛٙ׉ᖕdఱ݊͜ظظᚨႼᅮɛdҵאԴ̈ग़փٙҸᏘd˸৪ᘴٙ݋݋Ꮨ઻࿁
 ϣΫՑԟࡈ̥Ϟί܀౤ࣛʑঐ޶Ԉٙॱᆎମซ˰ޢf  ˙f˸ഁϋࣛ௰˦ߎٙཥِ༷Ꮥ˴ԉމᕚdΫኳഁϋᛇᆀࣛΈf
       My Neighbor Totoro is a Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by         Kids are crowded together, shouting and waving hands with joy. Without a doubt
 Hayao Miyazaki. The story is about the two young daughters of a professor and their   they are paying Nintendo, the most fancy game back in 1980s. How we wished
 interactions with friendly forest spirits in postwar rural Japan. The amazingly quiet rural   games would never end, and never have to do homework or take exams.
 scenery is very impressive, reminding us of the peace and joy in childhood.

 2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival      Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102