Page 102 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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ʫ௴จӍᎉˢᒄ National Creative Sand Sculpture Competition
ʫଡ଼ŊՉ˼ЪۜOther Works/ Totoro in Fulong
¾ ඟΤjӍ݊Beerඟ ¾ ඟڗjᇹڡᎌ ¾ ඟࡰjюወ㒥eᔊږᚆeᇹ֠ፎeದʘ ¾ ඟΤjɧ৳ʃሥ ¾ ඟڗjுᓵ ¾ ඟࡰjᄁeॽʩ❚eӁ௱༐
¾ ЪۜΤ၈j၅ඤٙtotoro ¾ ЪۜΤ၈jɧ৳ʃሥ
¾ ЪۜႭj ఏ˒ወٙ˚͉ਗቌٙᎲ፟( 㗨㗪㘊㗮㘻㘻㙠 ) ݊ҢࡁʃࣛࡉΝٙΫኳdᗭҙ ¾ ЪۜႭjഁϋΫኳˇʔəɧ৳ʃሥவࡈ݂ԫdՉʕ˿ҢΙ௰ଉٙ݊ޗٙɽथ
Ꮂ̙፟ฌ̮ٙڌeஸሳٙᎲ፟ʮԓd˸ʿίڠʕഃˋɻٙఙ౻dၾ၅ඤεڠٙ֙ືၾර ᅝ์Շ৳ʃሥٙd௰ܝۍίୋɧ৳ʃሥٙሷՑ᚛ؐdྼίஸሳl
ږ၅ඤᇞ̨ᝄλБᝈΈˋɻจഐΥd݊௴ЪӍᎉٙணࠇซf The Three Little Pigs
The Japanese animated cartoon, My Neighbor Totoro, shares childhood memories for
people of my age. The most classic and unforgettable scene is when the little girl stands Ask a kid to name their most familiar story, and the answer is undoubtedly The Three
in the rain with the chubby cute Totoro, waiting for the Totoro Bus. This reminds me of the Little Pigs. It's a fable featuring three pigs that build three houses out of different
Golden Fulong Shuttle Bus. materials. A big bad wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs' houses, made of
straw and wood, but is unable to destroy the third pig's house, made of bricks.
2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories 鼓動‧童心