Page 102 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 102

寶島競沙                          國內組 / 參賽作品                             Other Works                              國內組 / 參賽作品                             Other Works

        Domestic                     隊名:鐵皮屋  隊長:余育佳  隊員:張恆銘                                                          隊名:輕旅行  隊長:張愛鳳  隊員:蔡尚諺

            劃過雲層吧 ! 威力                                                                                               臺北輕旅行

                 在小時候都有一段飛行夢,為了這個夢,存在著許多幻想及期許。如今孩子乘著                                                                     騎著腳踏車,漫遊在建築林立的臺北市信義區,享受著悠閒及欣賞臺北最高的摩天大樓

            夢搭上「威力」,正體驗著並非僅僅飛行,而是開始一段華麗的旅程,「劃過雲層吧 !!                                                                 101,真是一場視覺饗宴,城市裡的色彩,正等著旅人去發掘。而另一種輕旅行型態,隨手點
            威力,哈哈哈哈哈 !!」。                                                                                            杯咖啡或吃點蛋糕甜點,放慢步伐,找個輕鬆的位子,放鬆心情,輕旅行是多麼棒的一件事。

            Soar into the sky! Wei-Li                                                                                Travel light in Taipei
                 We have had this dream to fly in the sky since our childhood. Therefore, there are many fantasies        Riding a bicycle to wander around Xinyi District in Taipei, you can take your time to enjoy the beauty
            and expectations based on this dream. Now our children realize this dream by taking Wei-Li to            of a variety of buildings here.
            experience this journey full of surprises. Let’s soar into the sky, Wei-Li.                                   You can also slow down your pace and find a relaxing place to enjoy some coffee and desserts.

     102   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      103
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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