Page 106 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 106

沙旅時光                                                                                                     創作有感

            Schedule of the sand sculpture                                                                           Reflection of the creation

             2014.03.01          整地、堆沙、板模工程開始進行                                                                                                    JOOheng Tan | 新加坡

                                 Prepare the ground, block the sand, and boxing work.                                                                   今年雖然已經是第二次參與設計,但構思的過

             2014.04.19          沙雕團隊進駐,進行雕塑創作                                                                                                     程仍極具挑戰性,我必須做出更好的作品,吸引各
                                 Sand sculpture team settled down and started to create                                                            個年齡層的人。在創作的過程裡,作品也因連續的
                                 sand sculptures.
             2014.04.21          交通部觀光局旅遊服務中心舉行預告記者會                                                                                               到很多人參與今年的盛會,民眾們對我們雕刻作品
                                 Press conference at Visitor Information Center of Tourism                                                         的認可,對我們而言是最大的鼓勵!
                                 Bureau, MOTC.
                                                                                                                       JOOheng Tan - Singapore
             2014.04.25          臺灣世界沙雕大賽國際組競賽開始

                                 Taiwan International Sand Sculpture Competition started.                                   Although this year was my second time planning the design, coming up with ideas still proved to
                                                                                                                       be challenging. I had to make the design better as well as appealing to all age groups. The progress
             2014.05.03          2014 福隆國際沙雕季開幕                                                                        of the project was also dampened by constant rainfall. Despite the obstacles, I am both very glad and

                                 Opening ceremony of 2014 Fulong International Sand                                    satisfied to see crowds of people attend this event as well as enjoy the sculptures that we made. This
                                 Sculpture Art Festival                                                                has definitely made all our hard work pay off.

                                 臺灣世界沙雕大賽國際組競賽頒獎                                                                                                   Michela Ciappini | 義大利
                                 Awarding ceremony for Taiwan International Sand
                                 Sculpture Competition.                                                                                                 幾年前聽過臺灣舉辦的沙雕季後,我就開始對

             2014.05.17          臺灣世界沙雕大賽國內組競賽開始                                                                                                   它感到好奇,所以藉由這次的機會參與盛會。這是
                                 Taiwan Domestic Sand Sculpture Competition started.                                                               我第一次在臺灣,在福隆這個地方讓我有了很多新
             2014.05.18          臺灣世界沙雕大賽國內組競賽頒獎

                                 Awarding ceremony for Taiwan Domestic Sand Sculpture                                                              我在艱辛的氣候環境下有許多特別的體驗,同時也
                                 Competition.                                                                                                      驚嘆竟然可以在這塊沙灘上完成那麼多不可能的任

             2014.05.30          慶祝端午節,現場發送福氣香包                                                                        務,我很榮幸能夠透過這個機會參與這次的活動,也很開心有許多人能共襄盛
                                 Sachet give-away to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival                                    舉。我希望能透過這些民眾們能透過我們的作品拉近與自然和藝術的距離。

             2014.06.30          2014 福隆國際沙雕季閉幕                                                                        Michela Ciappini - Italy
                                 Closing ceremony of 2014 Fulong International Sand                                        I heard about Taiwan sand festival in the last couple of years , and that made me very curious and i did

                                 Sculpture Art Festival                                                                accept treigth away the invitation to join it. It was my first time in taiwan an Fulong and for sure it have been a nice
                                                                                                                       discovering.., because of the special location on the island, because of the nice hosting of course It have been a
                                                                                                                       hard proving event is special for the harsh weather, but i got myself impressed of how much could be done with
                                                                                                                       this beach sand!!I am happy to have been part of this event as an opportunity to attract people on the beach and
                                                                                                                       enjoy their beautiful land.I hope we will impress them and give them the feeling to appreciate nature and art!!!

     106   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                感 。時光沙影      107
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                             Scenes and behind the scenes
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