Page 108 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 108

創作有感                                                                                                   精彩花絮 - 開幕活動

              Reflection of the creation                                                                             Activities at the Opening Ceremony

                                          Montserrat Cuesta | 西班牙

                                          以往在東方文獻中的記載描述 : 例如,極具特色的廟


                                          貼心食宿。十分感謝 !

              Montserrat Cuesta- Spain                                                                           交通部次長范植谷(左 3)、觀光局副局長劉喜臨(左 5)、本處處長方正光 ( 右 2) 交通部次長范植谷和本處處長方正光
                                                                                                                 Administrative Deputy Minister of Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Fan Chih-  Administrative Deputy Minister of Ministry
                   I was very glad  to be on the project, really beautiful place, and in some moments  when I was   ku (third on the left), Vice Director of MOTC, Liu Xi-ling (fifth on the left), and the Director  of Transportation and Communications,
              looking the landscape, I remembered this descriptions I have read many time in the oriental literature,   of the Administration, Fang Zheng-guang (second on the right) unveiled 2014 Fulong  Fan Chih-ku and the Director of the
              so expressive, those specials temples and the lush nature . The hospitality  and  well mannered of the   International Sand Sculpture Art Festival.                Administration, Fang Zheng-guang
              people too ..... nice experience. the organization  of project was really professional, Everything was                                                             inspected the venue of the sand sculpture.
              good: hotel ,food ,coffee. Thank you very much.

                                          Bob Atisso | 多哥


                                          位、環境以及這裡的人,都讓我有賓至如歸的感覺。                                                  福隆國小擊鼓表演                                 交通部次長范植谷和 JOOheng Tan 一同頒發世界沙雕大賽金鏟子獎

                                          創作的過程中,我的技巧又再度精進許多,也很開                                                   Drum performance from Fulong Elementary School  Administrative Deputy Minister of Ministry of Transportation and
                                                                                                                                                            Communications, Fan Chih-ku and Joo Heng Tan conferred the Golden
                                          心能榮獲亞軍的殊榮。我想勉勵所有的沙雕師持續                                                                                            Shovel Award for the International Sand Sculpture Competition


              Bob Atisso - Togo

                  Even though I was late, I have never felt that relax with peace of mind on other projects than
              I was at Fulong beach; maybe because the sand is likely the same as the one I am used to, the
              organization,  the environment and people just made me feel like home. Coming to the works, the
              diversity of techniques was an opportunity for me to learn more to improve my skills and at the end                                                         上:海洋女神王麗雅帶領小朋友出場
              my second place winning was an honour being a part of your beautiful project. Keep up the great job                                                         The Goddess of Sea, Wang Li-ya led the children to
              you are doing for Sandsculpting and best wishes for the coming editions to make TAIWAN WORLD                                                                enter the venue
              SANDSCULPTING CHAMPIONSHIP the greatest.                                                                                                                    左:2014 福隆沙雕藝術季預告記者會
                                                                                                                                                                          Press conference for 2014 Fulong International
                                                                                                                                                                          Sand Sculpture Art Festival

     108   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                感 。時光沙影      109
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                             Scenes and behind the scenes
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