Page 50 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 50



                 The Fastest

              有些動物有著世界上最快的速度,其中以時                        Some animals are designed to be the ultimate
                                                         speed machines. With both surpassing 100km/hr,
              速每一小時 100 公里的陸地動物長腿獵豹和
                                                         the slender long legged cheetah and the elusive
              海底生物旗魚為速度的佼佼者。但要真正體                        sailfish both top the charts for land and sea animals
              驗無與倫比的高速,就必須到天空上一窺究                        respectively. But to really observe impressive
                                                         speeds, we have to take to the skies! The high flying
              竟。遊隼是天空中也是地表上動作最快的動                        Peregrine Falcon is known to be the fastest animal
              物,它的速度高達每小時 322 小里,而人類                     in the air as well as on the planet since it can exceed
                                                         speeds of 322km/hr! And while the human species
              最快的速度則是每小時 44 公里。
                                                         can never achieve those figures, the fastest man is
                                                         able to run at a respectable 44km/hr.
              觀賞      此系列沙雕作品從側面欣賞,可看見其精
              小tips   雕細琢完美的立體感。
                                                         Sand sculpture focus | A perfect third dimension can be
                                                         seen from the side of the series of sand pieces.

       50  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand ∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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