Page 98 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 98



               Highlights behind the scenes
               Barrier-free space

                   5 月 7 日活動開幕式當天邀請 120 位中華                    120 guests from the Cerebral Palsy Association
                                                           of R.O.C. are invited to join the opening ceremony on
                                                           May 7th. The barrier-free facilities allow these guests
               心舖設的無障礙木棧道中感受福隆沙雕的美麗                        to immerse in the beauty and passion at Fulong Beach
               與熱情,推動友善關懷的旅遊環境服務。                          freely.
                                                               These guests were only able to admire the
                   參加的腦麻會員表示,過去幾年輪椅族只                      amazing sand sculptures from a distance in the past.
               能卡在福隆沙灘,「遙望」沙雕作品,今年沙                        The barrier-free trail is widening to 3 meters in sand
                                                           sculpture display zone. Therefore, guests with physical
               雕區增設並將無障礙步道拓寬至 3 米,讓肢障
                                                           disabilities are able to take a close look at these breath-
               朋友終於暢行無阻進入沙雕區,近距離欣賞精                        taking sand sculptures. After taking a tour in the sand
                                                           sculpture zones, everyone is happy to take a picture for
                                                           this wonderful experience and promises to come back
               腳,是非常棒的體驗!欣賞完沙雕後,大家在                        again in the future.

       98  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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