Page 35 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 35

龜尾湖  Lake at the Tail of Turtle Island
             The Turtle Island
         1.  The Turtle Island is located at the
           Okinawa oceanic trough and the Okinawa
           island arcs.
         2.  On the east part ocean of the Turtle
           Isalnd, within 50 to 100 kilometers, lies
           at least 60~70 oceanic volcano and at
           the depth range from 1300 meters to
           2000 meters. The Turtle Isaland is the
           only oceanic volcano that emerged.
 ▲ 龜尾湖  Lake at the Tail of Turtle Island  3.  The peak of the Turtle Isaland has
           abundant hot springs, with certain
   龜山島地質公園的特色  springs reaching 300~400 meters,
           forming so called “Black Chimney”.
           volcanic, like most mid-ocean canyons
           around the world, the lava activity is still
 2.龜山島東方約50到100公里的海域內,最少分布六、七十座的海  active.   龜山島地質公園五萬分之一地質圖
 底火山,座落於1,300公尺至2,000公尺的深海海床上,而龜山  4.  The sea current from the south is   Geological Map of Turtle Island Geopark (scale: / 0000)
           transporting warm, tropical water    圖    例              LEGEND
 島是唯一出露在海平面以上的一座火山。                              圖    例              LEGEND
 ▲ 龜尾島  Islet at the Tail of Turtle Island  northward toward the polar region. The
           Turtle Isalnd is on its path and results   沖積層           礫石,砂及黏土
 300~400公尺高,形成所謂的「黑煙囪」,和全世界深海中洋  in a good fishing industry and whale    全 新 世   全 新 世  HOLOCENE  HOLOCENE  ALLUVIUM  Gravel, sand, and clay
                                                                     Gravel, sand, and clay
 脊擴張中心附近的景象相似,顯示在此地區的地殼底下還有活  watching tourism.   石 底 層             砂岩及頁岩互層,含煤層
                                                                    Alternations of sandstone and shale, intercalated coal seams
                                               SHIHTI FORMATION
         5.  The fishing migration in this area   石 底 層              砂岩及頁岩互層,含煤層
                                                                     Alternations of sandstone and shale, intercalated coal seams
                                                SHIHTI FORMATION
           mainly is Istiophoridae, Selachimorpha,   大 寮 層          砂岩及頁岩
                                                                     Sandstone and shale
                                               TALIAO FORMATION
 4.龜山島地處黑潮暖流終年北流的通道上,海域內的海洋生物非  Mylophar yngodon  piceus,   and    中 新 世   MIOCENE  大 寮 層  砂岩及頁岩
                                                                      Sandstone and shale
                                                TALIAO FORMATION
 常豐富,目前也是賞鯨豚的著名海域。  Exocoetidae. The place is an ideal fishing    中 新 世   MIOCENE  澳 底 層  枋 腳 段  砂岩及頁岩互層,含煤層
                                                                    Alternations of sandstone and shale, intercalated coal seams
                                                        枋 腳 段
           field.                              AOTI     FORMATION    Alternations of sandstone and shale, intercalated coal seams
                                                澳 底 層
 5.許多洄游性魚類洄游經過,主要漁獲有旗魚、鯊、鯖、鰹、飛                  AOTI   媽 崗 段        厚砂岩及頁岩
                                                        媽 崗 段
         6. The upper part of the Turtle Isalnd is   FORMATION  FORMATION  Thick sandstone and shale
 魚等,使得本海域亦為鏢、釣漁業之良好漁場。                                  MAKANG       Thick sandstone and shale
           abundant in sulfur minerals, and the   大 桶 山 層           硬頁岩夾薄至厚層砂岩
                                               TATUNGSHAN FORMATION  Argillite intercalated with thin - to think-bedded sandstone
 6.龜首海域下的硫磺礦藏量頗多,並由噴氣孔噴出大量的硫化氫  fumaroles blasts excessive hydrogen   大 桶 山 層  硬頁岩夾薄至厚層砂岩
                                                                     Argillite intercalated with thin - to think-bedded sandstone
                                                TATUNGSHAN FORMATION
                                            漸 新 世   漸 新 世   OLIGOCENE  乾 溝 層  Argillite intercalated with thin - to think-bedded sandstone
 和二氧化硫,形成龜島磺煙。  sulfide and sulfur dioxide to form smog.   OLIGOCENE  乾 溝 層  硬頁岩夾薄至厚層砂岩
                                               KANKOU FORMATION
                                                KANKOU FORMATION
                                                                     Argillite intercalated with thin - to think-bedded sandstone
                                               龍 洞 砂 岩
                                                                    Think-bedded or massive, white, medium-to very
                                               LUNGTUNG FORMATION
                                                龍 洞 砂 岩             硬頁岩夾薄至厚層砂岩
                                                                    coarse-grained quartzite and  argillite
                                                LUNGTUNG FORMATION   Think-bedded or massive, white, medium-to very
                                                                     coarse-grained quartzite and  argillite
                                            更 新 世   更 新 世  PLEISTOCENE   PLEISTOCENE  火成岩類  安山岩質集塊岩
                                               IGNEOUS ROCKS
                                                IGNEOUS ROCKS
                                                                    Andesite agglomerate
                                                                     Andesite agglomerate
                                                                        (Source: The Central Geological Survey, MoEA)
 地質圖書                                                            Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area
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