Page 69 - 發現‧黃金沙城
P. 69

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 ତ  ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ5  ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ6                                                                            2011 ၅
 ږ h ර                                                                                              ඤ
 Ӎ  ඪ᜻ฉ࡬    Ιήτҍᔼ                                                                                   ਷
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 ϼ᜻ίΙୋτɛ଻ʕ݊ڢ੬య൮ٙਗيd˾ڌܘεߕᅃj༐ྼeॆଣe۾ᘌeɢඎeۇंe౽ᅆձІ  Ιୋτҍᔼ͍ί݄جԸطᓹӀɿʫٙश                                    ᖵ
 ͟d᜻஗Ⴉމ݊ग़ٙԴ٫dঐҪɛࡁٙ߁Ӌձ࿲ᚑ੭Ցख़ᜳձɽήٙ˰ޢd຅ɛ஗બၾϼ᜻ϻˣࣛۆ݊  षdίΙୋτ௅ໝ༁ҍᔼу݊˼ࡁٙᔼ                                   ஔ
 ஗ൖމᐏ੻௰৷ٙ࿲ᘴ˸ʿ౽ᅆٙ൥ᅄf  ͛dෂԊҍᔼኹϞછՓɽІ್ٙɢඎd                                                                ၚ
            ͜ԸڭСӀ༁̻τאطᓹӀʫशषd˼                                                                       Ό
 Ъ٫jWilliam Dow                                                                                     ߏ
            ࡁ޴ڦҍᔼঐၾਗي๖ஷdί௅ໝ༁Ϟ                                                                       ፽

            Ъ٫jWilliam Dow

            Indian Shaman

            The shaman was a tribe's doctor
            and had magical powers of healing
            while  also  being  able  to
            communicate with nature and
            animals through special rituals and
            ceremonies. The Shaman wields
            special relics and tools made from
            Eagle feathers or other animal

            AuthorjWilliam Dow

 Eagles Nest

 The Eagle is a precious animal because it represents many virtues including honesty, truth,
 strength, courage, intelligence and freedom. In many Indian cultures, eagles are considered
 the messengers of god, a bridge between the spiritual and natural world bringing with them
 the prayers and stories of man.

 AuthorjWilliam Dow

 Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                      The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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