Page 64 - 發現‧黃金沙城
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       ତ   ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ1                                                                                                ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ2                                                                               2011 ၅
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            ί̚˾኷نʕd௰ঃ൬ࣛගٙఱ݊Ҹ۬኷dϾҳͩ                                                                                   Гʩۃ449-499ϋdت౶ɛމəן࢝਷ɺdක֐əڗࣛගٙیּ̏ীdϾ੶ସٙࠏඟᜫ˼ࡁܘҞఱЦჯə                                       ᖵ
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            Ъ٫jBrian Turnbough                                                                                       Ъ٫jFrederick Dobbs

            Catapult                                                                                                 300 Troops

            The catapult was an attacker’s most efficient                                                            BC449-499, the Persian Empire attempts to conquer Greece and encounters the resilient,
            tool to siege the castle walls of defending                                                              military apt tribe of Sparta. Led by King Leonidas, with only a meager 300 troops, the Spartans
            troops. The catapult can be armed with                                                                   exploited a narrow mountain pass to gain a strategic advantage against the Persian Army.
            several different types of munitions including                                                           Using superior hoplite infantry tactics involving the locking of shields, and long spears, the
            huge boulders, cannon balls, and explosives                                                              Spartans were able to stymie the Persians for many days. Notice the emblems on their shields
            delivering several ways to cripple a defenders                                                           and how they wear their headdress, perhaps you can discover a bit about each soldier's
            stronghold.                                                                                              personality and rank.

            AuthorjBrian Turnbough                                                                                   AuthorjFrederick Dobbs

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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