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       ତ    ਷ყଡ଼ଡ଼ڗcҏ                                                                                                  ၍ଣஈஈڗcҏ                                                                                2011 ၅

       ږ h ර                                                                                                                                                                                                 ඤ
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       ۬    ᐑྤ΍͛ ఱ੽໔ɨٙɺήක֐                                                                                           రҬၽᝄɨɓϣٙߕᘆၾชਗ                                                                           ყ Ӎ
            Ӎᎉٙ৖ɛʘஈdί׵Չ੽ೌՑϞٙ໵ᜊཀ೻dᒱ್ЪۜೌجܩɮڭπdШۍ͑ჃϞอ௴จሖ͛dዧ೯                                                            ၽᝄኹϞ޴຅ՈϞᘩنɢٙᝈΈ༟๕dމəঐတԑ਷ʫ̮ᝈΈεʩ༷ࣚପۜٙცӋdᇕிһε༷ࣚਠ                                            ֙
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            वɨଉՍٙɛ˖Ι൥dίଢ଼ጐชਗΫኳٙΝࣛdɰঐᜫ၅ඤϓމၽᝄӍᎉٙอήᅺl                                                                    ʿή˙ᝈΈପุุ٫΍Νрɢɨdіˏһεٙ਷
            Words from the Head of International Affairs, Tourism Bureau
            It’s Time to Preserve Our Mother Land
                                                                                                                     Words from the Director of the Administration
            The most charming part of sand sculpture lies in the transformation process: from a pile of sand to the   Looking for the Next Sparkling Moment
            finished structure.  It is people’s imagination that makes it happen.  Since 2008, the Fulong International
            Sand Sculpture Art Festival has been held annually for promoting ‘natural art’ as well as a modern leisure
            activity.  Coupled with frequent climate change and natural disasters in recent years, activities like sand   As an island with a variety of landscapes and climate, Taiwan has very competitive tourism
                                             sculpture can be a reminder that people should pay more                 resources. This is especially true around the northeast coast, where mountains meet the
                                             attention to the preservation of natural resources and the              ocean.  In order to meet diverse domestic and international tourist demands, the Northeast
                                             symbiosis between humanity and nature.  In this year’s festival,        and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Administration annually holds a number of major
                                             we invited sand carving experts from the United States, Japan,          international events, attracting tourists worldwide.  Among these attractions, The Fulong
                                             China, Germany, Canada, Russia, and Portugal to work with               International Sand Sculpture Art Festival  is always the biggest event in the summer time.  The
                                             our Taiwanese carving sculptors. The grand sand creations               three kilometer long golden sandy beaches from Yanliao to Fulong, where the festival is held,
                                             included various themes, for example:  Arctic Explorer, Native
                                             American Indians — A Dance with Nature, Roman Siege —                   is made from quartz sand and has great plasticity with water.  It is acknowledged by the World
                                             Battle Glory, Beautiful Island of Formosa, and The Mark of              Sand Sculpture Association as Taiwan’s most suitable area for sand sculpture.  This year, with
                                             Putuo. The largest sculpture, Arctic Explorer, is a colossal twenty     the combination of local industry, government, and academic resources, The Fulong
                                             feet wide and seven feet high!  Through this festival it is our         International Sand Sculpture Art Festival  again proved successful; offering all visitors a great
                                             hope to promote the beauty of the northeast coast, and at               opportunity to experience the local culture and art.  It is our expectation that in the future, by
                                             the same time, make Fulong a new landmark in Taiwan's sand              way of recreational activities such as these, people can see the real beauty of this land.
                                             sculpture history!

                                                                   ʹஷ௅ᝈΈ҅਷ყଡ଼ ଡ଼ڗc؍տ๕                                                                  ʹஷ௅ᝈΈ҅؇̏ԉ࿬֝ᚆऎ֦਷࢕ࠬ౻ਜ၍ଣஈ ஈڗc஢͍ඤ
                                                 Head of International Affairs, Tourism Bureau, Eric Lin                                                       Director of the Administration, Hsu Zheng Long
                                                                                                                                                          Hsu Zheng Long              許正隆

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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