Page 82 - 發現‧黃金沙城
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       ତ   ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ17                                                                                               ŒʕʃۨЪۜණ18                                                                              2011 ၅
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            εᖯ€૕ႧjTaradᔛႧjDrolmadจމ˜હܓ™dɦᙇމεᖯ͎eܓ͎eહܓН͎fεᖯd݊ᝈࠪ                                                       ˜ɧ˜ဵ෸ख़™݊ၽᝄࠠࠅٙ͏ගڦ΃ݺਗf෸ख़ਫ਼ܰˀ݈˜ࡥʆཀၽᝄ™ٙዝ̦ߠ౻dɰ݊ऎݱ˖ʷ                                           ᖵ
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            Drolma Guanyin                                                                                           Legend of the Sea - Matsu

            Drolma is a metamorphosis from Gaunyin's tears, a diamond made from the heart; it has                    Matsu is the Taiwanese god of the ocean and navigation. Matsu protects fisherman and
            the ability to shine through darkness. The Sutra depicts Drolma being born from light,                   blesses them with safe travel. As Taiwan is a nation surrounded by the ocean, you can find
            therefore having the ability to save people in agony, and represents compassion, light,                  Matsu Temples all along the coast; Matsu is therefore one of the most important spiritual pillar
            and salvation.                                                                                           for Taiwanese people.

            AuthorjYi-Chen Chu, Song-Guan Wang                                                                       AuthorjMing-Feng Chen, Yoh-Cheng Chang, Wu-Jien Wu

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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