Page 7 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
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                                                                            點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

 ᝈΈ҅ڗҏ      ၍ଣஈڗҏ

 પ࢝ɽήᖵஔc᚟ՍɛၾІ್΍͛ʘߕ  ၽᝄʘΈତԒ၅ඤc௰ԳᝈΈБቖлኜ

 福隆擁有得天獨厚的細軟金沙,一直以來也都是東北角觀光遊憩的重點熱區,每年夏天於福隆沙灘登場  堂堂邁入第五屆的福隆沙雕藝術季,今年又再度挑戰沙雕創作的極限,不但廣邀來自世界不同國家的沙
 的「福隆國際沙雕藝術季」,更成功打造沙雕藝術的觀光新視野,讓遊憩事業也能結合在地文創的生命  雕藝術家共襄盛舉,更為呼應龍年的精神,企劃一系列與「龍」相關的創意沙雕,創作一連串如「九龍
 力,讓東北角的夏季時光除了戲水消暑,也多了一份藝術生活的深度與廣度。  天子戲寶島」、「騎龍觀音護臺灣」、「龍育新生」等作品,精雕細琢功力,不但贏得國際囑目的焦點,
 遊憩話題,不但有效整合公、私部門的資源,將臺灣的沙雕創作文化推向國際級的標竿,並進一步帶動  此外,另一個創意亮點,就是將臺灣之光以沙雕創作的方式,重現福隆!舉凡今年在 NBA籃壇大放異
 國人對這項大地藝術的理解與參與。繼去年沙雕季創下輝煌的紀錄後,今年的沙雕活動更上一層樓,總  彩、創造林來瘋傳奇,還獲選為時代雜誌百大人物的林書豪,以及屢在國際高爾夫球界摘金、同樣也被
 計動用高達5千噸的細沙,邀請包含美國、加拿大、日本、荷蘭、拉脫維亞、新加坡、臺灣及中國大陸等  時代雜誌選入百大人物的高球天后曾雅妮,都可在福隆海邊看見他們栩栩如生的身影。沙雕師們克服萬
 共8個國家的沙雕大師同台較勁,聯手打造44件沙雕作品,包括3座超級大沙雕、18座中型沙雕及23座小  難,仿照片比例,精緻且生動的雕刻出這幾位臺灣之光的大型立體肖像,姿態生動,表情宛真,展期間
 型沙雕,兩個月的活動期間,遊客人數近30萬,且遊客對作品的讚嘆每每寫在臉上,再次寫下遊憩與文  吸引許多球迷影迷專程前來與偶像沙雕合影留念。此一創舉,不但別具紀念意義,更能藉由每一位遊客
 創結合的觀光新頁!  的眼睛及影像紀錄,真真實實的讓臺灣之光走出這塊蕞爾小島,讓全世界都看到臺灣的精彩人物,達到
 東北角的「黃金福隆線」,今年更推出全新的語音導覽服務,只要購買50元的一日券,就能搭乘智慧型  為延續沙雕季的活動精彩度,今年還首度舉行「國際邀請賽」,邀請了荷蘭、拉脫維亞、加拿大、美
 巴士,暢遊東北角沿線九份老街、黃金博物館、鼻頭步道、龍洞灣海洋公園、澳底、及福隆,堪稱另一  國、新加坡、中國大陸等國,及來自臺灣一共9組藝術家參與比賽,不但為維期兩個月的活動創造另一波
 項強調綠能減碳的遊憩行銷作法,期望在促進觀光在地化的同時,也能兼顧產業提升與自然保育雙贏的  高潮,更提供沙雕創作者傳承經驗的交流平台,期望藉以提升國內創作視野,展現臺灣沙雕的魅力與旅
 美好願景!      遊新局的同時,也為往後的沙雕活動打開另一扇與世界接軌的窗。

 Words From Tourism Bureau Director-General  Words From the Head of International Affairs, Tourism Bureau
 Create a Harmonious Environment for Man and Nature  Taiwan's Rising Stars Are Appearing on Fulong Beach!

 Fulong is naturally blessed with unique, soft, fine sand beaches and this in turn helps create the success   The most distinguishing talking point of this year's Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival was that several of
 of the Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival.  The festival has run every year since 2008.  This year, more than   Taiwan's well-know rising stars were coming back and gathering on Fulong beach as sand sculptures!
 five thousand tons of sand were used for carving and more than forty four sand creations were made   These included NBA superstar Jeremy Lin, Washington National's pitcher Chien-Ming Wang and the
 by sculptors coming from eight countries.  These countries included the USA, Canada, Japan, the   professional golfer Yani Tseng, who is the youngest player ever to win five major championships and has
 Netherlands, Latvia, Singapore, Taiwan and China.  Among the creations there were three huge sized   been ranked number one in the women's world golf rankings since 2011.  The three "Pride of Taiwan"
 sculptures, eighteen medium sized ones and twenty three small sized works.  During the two month   sculptures, so vivid in facial expression and posture, welcomed all visiting the festival and attracted the
 festival, more than three hundred thousand visitors stepped onto Fulong beach and enjoyed the beauty   world's attention as the highlight the festival.  The international sculpting competition was held for the first
 of sand sculpture art.  In addition to the festival, the handy service of the Taiwan Shuttle Bus - the Golden   time in 2011.  This highly increased the scale, importance and visibility of the festival and also introduced
 Fulong Line - has made popular several scenic spots along the northeast coast.  These include Jiufen, the   the beauty of Taiwan to even more foreign friends.
 Gold Ecological Park, Bitou Trails, Longdonwan Ocean Park, Aodi, and Fulong.   The Golden Fulong Line
 will hopefully become a model as a green recreational line.

 交通部觀光局 局長 謝謂君                                              交通部觀光局
 Tourism Bureau Director-General, Hsieh Wei-chun  東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處 處長 許正隆
 Hsieh Wei-chun    Head of International Affairs, Tourism Bureau, Hsu Zheng-long  Hsu Zheng-long
 2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
 The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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