Page 5 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
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 芒花  極富有歷史氣息;登臨草嶺頂,遠眺太平洋、龜山島,景色雄偉壯麗,讓人
 讚嘆至極。                                                                                            The Legend of the Silver Grass
 ‧ 拾穗
 4  古道的風情與感動。愛好健行及大自然的朋友,不妨在溫暖的金黃秋日,與                                                            5
 山海間的古道記憶  親朋好友相約草嶺古道,來趟人文歷史、自然生態兼具的知性之旅。

 Words from the Tourism Bureau Director-General
 Experience the Beauty of Antique Trails and Silver Grass

  ─  草嶺古道尋幽行
 Miscanthus sinensis, also known as silver grass, grows in sunny-side slopes, mountains and
 valleys. Every fall and winter, when the northeast wind starts to blow hard and people start
 wearing warm clothes and bring umbrellas, it’s time for the silver grass to blossom all over
   十年精彩全紀錄                                                                                        Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
 the northeast coast hills and valleys. It is just like watching waves of huge silver flowers
 swaying on the land. Ten years ago, the Northeast and Yilan Coast Administration combined
 local resources and innovative tourist ideas to encourage people to go out on these cold,
 wet days and enjoy the spectacular scenery.  The Northeast Caoling Historical Trail Festival
 is a big event every November. Visitors from all over the world crowd into Fulong. Silver
 grass season becomes a fashionable topic between friends, families, and even bloggers. The
 stories of the ancient trail and our ancestors are on everyone’s lips. Hiking upon the 8.5 km
                                                               交通部觀光局 局長 謝謂君
 long Caoling Historical Trail, thousands of visitors are astonished by its natural ecology as
                                           Tourism Bureau Director-General, Hsieh Wei-chun
 well as cultural relics such as the two level-three national historic sites: the Tiger inscription
 and the Siong Jhen Man Yan inscription. Do not forget to plan your autumn journey, visiting
 the trail and the silver grass to enjoy a magnificent experience of cultural, ecological and
 intellectual beauty.
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