Page 104 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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              ਷ʫ௴จӍᎉˢᒄ    National Creative Sand Sculpture Competition

           ˆ਷ʫଡ଼ŊՉ˼Ъۜ‰Other Works/ Doraemon

            ¾ ඟΤjMULTIKOON   ¾ ඟڗjੵࣥႴ  ¾ ඟࡰjᇹɻ੶e؍ɿ௸eᆄ࢕ॖe࿋౽௱                                                          ¾ ඟΤj2013  ¾ Ъ٫jᇹ֠ፎ
            ¾ ЪۜΤ၈j᪃ਢAྫྷ€ʃ̝ኗ                                                                                         ¾ ЪۜΤ၈j஢ᗴϫ

            ¾ ЪۜႭ׼j᪃ਢAྫྷ€ʃ̝ኗ݊੽ʃ௑МҢࡁڗɽٙλ؃ʾd˜݊ʔ݊ॆٙϞࣛΈዚ̙˸                                                               ¾ ЪۜႭ׼jʃࣛࡉdʮ෤༁Ϟࢭ஢ᗴϫd
                         ੭ҢࡁՑ͊Ըk™˜ࠅ݊Ϟ΂จژ༈Ϟελl™ʦ˂ఱᜫҢࡁΎϣձ˼ɓৎ߈                                                                       ӊ຅ːઋʔλdҢேึൺ̘஢
                         ൳ࣛ٤dࠠ๝Յࣛٙߕྫྷыl                                                                                            ᗴϫൡ߮dԨ஢ɨᗴૐfӊࡈ
                         As one of the heroes in every kid's mind, Doraemon seems to be capable of                                ɛːʕேϞɓࢭ஢ᗴϫdᜫҢ
                         everything. Both the "anywhere door" that opens up to any place the user                                 ࡁɓৎྼତᗴૐыl
                         wishes, and the "time machine" that brings you back to the past and into future             A Wishing Well
                         are the most fascinating devices of Doraemon. Today, let's take the time machine            When I was a kid, there was a wishing well
                         back to our childhood and enjoy those carefree and joyful days!                             inside the park around the corner. Every
                                                                                                                     time when I was upset, I would go to the
                                                                                                                     well and make a wish. Everyone should
                                                                                                                     have their own wishing well to make their
                                                                                                                     dreams come true.

                                                                                                                     ¾ ඟΤjԯ᜝ᎉ෧  ¾ Ъ٫jˮؒڿ                               Taiwan Sand Sculpture Competition
                                                                                                                                                                       On the back of the sculpture
                                                                                                                     ¾ ЪۜΤ၈j̨ᝄӍᎉɽᒄ
                                                                                                                                                                       are the signatures of the sand
                                                                                                                     ¾ ЪۜႭ׼jߠࠦ͟ਞၾٙ፯˓ࡁɓɓᖦΤߏׂf                           sculptors participating in the national

            2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival                                                                                                    Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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