Page 19 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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2010 / ဎईጘӍٙӍᎉମซ˰ޢ 2009 / ༑ᕚɤԑٙරږӍᎉِ
ܓᒗሗԸІߕʿ˚͉ٙӍᎉྠඟd௴Ъ̨ᝄ̦ɪ௰ɽٙ3DӍᎉЪۜdϓ̌ᄳɨ࢝ಂග10ຬɛϣٙਞ ৣΥᝈΈ҅ᝈΈנφჯঘ˙ࣩd˸נφeጘֵeʺɧɽ˴ൿdʷ฿ׂމɓࢭࢭᝈ
ᝈɛᆓอߏf ΈנφჯঘٙЪۜdՈܸᅺจ່f
2010 / The Legend of Making Traveling Sands to a 2009 / Dreamy Sand
Fantastical Building Kingdom for Tourism
Sand experts from the USA and Japan were invited to Fulong for the first time in 2010. They built Taiwan’s first ever 3-D
sand sculpture work, which at the time was a groundbreaking record, and attracted one hundred thousand visitors in Being classified as ‘Top Notch Tourism’ by the
one month. Tourism Bureau, the 2009 Fulong Sand Sculpture
Festival included many themes in the artworks, such
as the ‘Navigation of Top Notch Tourism’, ‘Snapshots
of the Unique Scenery of the Northeast Coast’, and
the ‘Seeking of Treasure in the Maze’.
2008 / ျ༼20ϋcӍᎉΎ೯ତ
2008 / Sand Sculpture
Coming Back Fulong
After a Gap of Two
Marking the 25th Anniversary of the Administration
in the summer of 2008, the sand sculpture festival
was held again after a gap of two decades. Diverse
creations of sand sculpture showcased Fulong
Beach’s beautiful scenery as well as demonstrating
the connection between people and nature.
2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories 鼓動‧童心