Page 21 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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 2013 ၅ඤӍᎉcΎ௴Ӎᎉ஝ᅼอߏ፽  2013  ၅ඤӍᎉʘ3ɽMOST                              ௰εɛᆓ

 2013၅ඤ਷ყӍᎉᖵஔ֙तйᒗሗԸІ˚͉eஃᚆeߵ਷eኈГࡩeГफ˫eฌဧᚆe̋ࣅɽഃ16਷e  ‘3 Mosts’ of the 2013 event  Շࡈ˜གྷ45ຬɛϣ
                                                                      ‘Most’ Visitor Numbers: More than
 20ቱЗ਷ყॴӍᎉࢪԸ̨ආБ਷ყᒗሗᒄd̍ўʊ຾ஹᚃ4ϋԸ̨ਞၾସึٙ˚͉ۨӲӍᎉࢪڭ坂ڲܗ௴                      four hundred and fifty thousand
 Ъ˚όࠬၔdෂ୕˚͉ॷࠬၔໄ׳ίӍᛉɪdйϞɓ೦ࠬբiԸІஃᚆٙɾӍᎉࢪMarjon Katerbergdਗ਼               people crowded onto Fulong
                                                                      beach within two months.
 ഁϋၾࡩࡩᕣ࠱ІБԓٙΫኳdяତϓӍᎉЪۜiһϞԸІ̋ࣅɽٙJonathan Bouchard௴Ъ̏਷਼௛ɛ


 Spotlight on the 2013 Sand Sculpture Creations

 Twenty more sculptors from more than 16 countries (including Japan, the Netherlands, UK, Mexico, Spain, Ireland, and   ௰εӍᎉ
 Canada) were invited to join the latest Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival in 2013. It was also the first year of the Taiwan
 International Sand Sculpting Championship. The artists included Toshihiko Hosaka from Japan, Marjon Katerberg from   75ࢭӍᎉශൖΌ̨
 the Netherlands, and Jonathan Bouchard from Canada. They re-constructed their diverse childhood life experiences
 through sculptures and made the festival a heart-warming paradise full of childhood fun. In 2013, seventy-five sand   ‘Most’ Sand Sculpture Creations:
 sculptures were presented. Twenty works were included in the international competition, twenty-five for international   Seventy-five works in total.
 demonstration, eighteen for the ‘national contest, and twelve works for national demonstration.



                                                                            ‘Most’ International Competitor
                                                                            Countries: Sand sculptors from
                                                                            sixteen other countries worldwide

 2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival      Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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