Page 6 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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            ᝈΈ҅ڗҏ                                                                                                    ၍ଣஈڗҏ
            ୋɓ̨֣ᝄ਷ყӍᎉɽᒄcᜫ˰ޢ޶ԈҢࡁ                                                                                      ၾ͏ගᙳ˓ΥЪc΍௴1+1>2ٙᝈΈ༷ኰอ۰ዚ

            ᖵஔ௴Ъۨ࿒О˟ϵಛɷ၇d್ϾࠅΝࣛණᎉ෧e˖ʷeᖭ೥eܔጘe᜗ঐe                                                                       ͟؇̏ԉ࿬֝ᚆࠬ၍ஈ˴፬εϋٙ˜၅ඤ਷ყӍᎉᖵஔ֙™dІ2008ϋᑘ፬˸
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                                                   Words From Tourism Bureau Director-General
                                                                                                                                             Words From the Head of International Affairs, Tourism Bureau
            The First Taiwan International Sand Sculpting
            Championship Increases Taiwan’s Publicity                                                                Collaboration With National Enterprises Maximizes Local
                                                                                                                     Recreation and Business Opportunities
            There is nothing like sand sculpting that blends so many art forms and disciplines, such as drawing, architecture,
            physical endurance, and entertainment. Moreover, it’s also a practice of creativity, craftsmanship, and eco-friendliness,   After hosting the sand festival for five years in a row, the Northeast and Yilan Coast Administration, for the very first
            which nowadays makes it a trendy worldwide recreational activity. For six years in a row, the sand festival held along   time this year, co-hosted the festival with the non-governmental enterprise, Lipao Construction. The two-month event
            Fulong beach every summer explains it all. Using the theme ‘Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories’, the 2013 Fulong   attracted favorable comments as one might have expected. With abundant support and resources as well as the
            Sand Festival invited dozens of international sculptors to reconstruct every child’s wonderland in which all the giant   unlimited creative power from private enterprise, it's not surprising at all that we've made a whole new record again
            playthings from the past come to life and remind us of our childhood. The inaugural Taiwan International Sculpting   in attracting the most visitor admissions and gaining international focus and excellent reviews. Notable among the
            Championship was without a doubt the highlight of this year’s festival. Ten experienced sculptors from the Netherlands,   seventy-five sand sculpture creations were Rattle Drum, the most familiar child toy for Asian kids; Master Q, the famous
            Spain, Mexico, Ireland, Japan, Canada, England, the US, China, and Taiwan gathered together at Fulong beach   character from the comic book; Sesame Street, the popular TV show for children; One Piece, the popular TV series
            for the two-week competition, with the same theme of childhood memories. During the two-month festival, Fulong
            beach became a worldwide wonderland for children, with more than seventy sand works displaying various childhood   and manga that premiered in Japan in the 1990s; and Taiwan Old Streets, full of nostalgic atmosphere. During the two-
            favorites, such as the rattle-drum, Elmo from Sesame Street, and the 3D view master, just to name a few. The festival   month festival, more than four hundred and fifty thousand visitors crowded onto Fulong beach to take a look at the sand
            attracted more than four hundred and fifty thousand visitors, and most important of all, created a new model for   creations, breaking the record of the previous two years. (In 2012's festival, the total admissions were two hundred and
            marketing and coastal recreation. It is our intention to impress even more in the future with the successful collaboration   sixty thousand, while in 2011's festival, it was three hundred and fifty thousand visitors!) During the festival, big red furry
            of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industries, and sightseeing activities.                                ELMO, the most popular super star on Sesame Street, was shown at Fulong to join the coastal cleanup activity, making
                                                                                                                     the festival not only recreational but also educational.
                                               ʹஷ௅ᝈΈ҅ ҅ڗcᑽፗё
                            Tourism Bureau Director-General, Hsieh Wei-chun                                                        ؇̏ԉ࿬֝ᚆऎ֦਷࢕ࠬ౻ਜ၍ଣஈ ஈڗc஢͍ඤ
                                                                           Hsieh Wei-chun
                                                                                                                           Head of International Affairs, Tourism Bureau, Hsu Zheng-long  Hsu Zheng-long

            2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival                                                                                                    Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories   鼓動‧童心
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