Page 64 - 2013福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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Wu Bai
The First-Year Taiwan International Sand Sculpting
Known for his gruff baritone voice and rough looks, Wu Bai can be considered to be the King of live music and definitely
one of the most popular rock music stars in Taiwan and in Southeast Asia. Wu Bai started out his career by singing Championship
live in pubs throughout Taiwan. Unusual to the music industry in the 90s, Wu Bai has revolutionized Taiwanese rock by First held in 2008, the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival was an annual sand-sculpting event in Fulong. Two
introducing guitar-orientated music in his songs. years later, international sand sculpting experts were invited to join the national experts for the first time and learned
from each other by exchanging ideas. Since then, the festival has continued as an international event. In 2012, the
international competition was held as a warm-up for the formal contest. In 2013, the first Taiwan International Sand
Sculpting Championship was formally held, and aimed to invite international sand sculpting artists from more than ten
countries and carried expectations of an even more fantastic sand sculpture festival..
2013 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories 鼓動‧童心