Page 18 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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2011 歷屆沙雕回顧 2012 歷屆沙雕回顧
黃金沙城,遨遊異想世界 點沙成金,藝術沙灘驚艷福隆
以「福隆國際沙雕藝術季─黃金沙城」之響亮名號,邀請美國、日本、 邀請來自美國、加拿大、日本、荷蘭、拉脫維亞、新加坡、中國等國際
臺灣、中國、德國、加拿大、葡萄牙、俄羅斯等八國「沙雕聯軍」來到福隆 級沙雕師同台切磋創作、進行藝術文化交流。同時再次刷新紀錄,以 5,000
共襄盛舉,透過沙粒敘說各國遠古風光,將千萬細沙化作海岸邊壯觀的異國 頓細沙建造 44 件沙雕作品(3 座超級大沙雕、18 座中型沙雕及 23 座小型沙
夢幻沙城。 雕)。
Sand Sculpture Festival Reviews Sand Sculpture Festival Reviews
2011 A golden city of sand to lead you to 2012 Turning sand into gold at Fulong
a fancy world Beach
Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival has become the most Authorities invited professional sand sculpture artists from the US, Canada,
popular event in summer and the government invited sculptors from America, Japan, the Netherlands, Republic of Latvia, Singapore, and China to exchange
Japan, Taiwan, China, Germany, Canada, Portugal, and Russia to join 2011's ideas of sand sculpting. There are more than 44 pieces of works built by 5,000
event. These masters of sand sculpting created works which embodied historical tons of sand this year, including 3 major, 18 medium-size, and 23 smaller sand
and natural themes at Fulong Beach. sculptures.
18 金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界 閱。漫漫沙情 19
Incredible Golden Sand Legends About Fulong Beach