Page 78 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 78

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        International                沙雕師 Lars Borst  國籍 荷蘭 The Netherlands                                           沙雕師 Radovan Zivny   國籍  捷克 Czech Rep.

             一段尋找自我的旅程                                                                                                 宇宙能源

                  生命的起源來自於生命的誕生,並以死亡做為終結。身為人類                                                                              我們的生活週遭都圍繞著自然能源,這些能源充斥在宇宙當中。自古以來,有許
             的我們,被賦予理性的思考能力和情緒的感受,生命本身並非僅為了                                                                            多卓越的發明家像是尼古拉.特斯拉,都告訴世人不需要使用像是石油這類的化學能
             生存而進食與繁衍下一代的使命。人生就像是一段旅程一樣,窮盡一                                                                            源,也不需要使用會帶給人類危機的核能。我們只須要相信真正的科學家們為我們指引

             The Journey to Me                                                                                         Energy of the Universe

                   Life starts at birth and ends at death. Because we are human we are capable of rational thoughts        The free energy is all around us, the Universe is full of it. People like the visionary genius inventor Nicola Tesla showed us
             and having emotions, our lives do not only consist of survival eating and procreation. Our lives are      that we do not need fosile saurces of energy like petrol, neither the dangerous nuclear energy - one of the biggest mistakes of the
             a journey to answer the question who we are, what purpose we have, to discover our strengths and          humankind. All we need to do is to let the real scientists show us the right way, get rid of the enslaving chains of the world elite
             weaknesses, to discover the answer to the question: “Who am I?”                                           which does not care about the future of the planet Earth and learn how to catch and generate the free energy of the Universe.
                                                                                                                       There is enough for everyone up there and it can be for free! My sculpture pictures, in a symbolic manner, a kind of energy catcher
                                                                                                                       or an antene, reaching up to the atmosphere and expressing one wish: let mankind free to do things right before it is too late.

      78   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      79
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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