Page 83 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 83

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 International   沙雕師 葉坤定   國籍 臺灣 Taiwan  沙雕師 Brian Turnbough  國籍  美國 United States of America

 嫦娥           與鳥一同翱翔

 傳說嫦娥偷吃丈夫后羿向西王母竊取的不死之藥,昇天奔  我有幸被上天賦予生命,並透過自己的能力呈現出喜愛的藝術型式。我最近在雕刻

 月。月宮廣寒有吳剛伐桂,越砍越長;玉兔搗藥,不解嫦娥內  創作中遇到了瓶頸,使我開始思考人類能夠擁有夢想,以及將腦海中的想法付諸為行動
 心淒涼寂寞。       是一件何其重要的能力。我總是在期盼著當自己沈睡時,在夢境中實現自己的夢想,讓

 Chang-Er     Flying With Birds
                 I've been given an amazing gift to be alive and to have the ability to perform the art form that I love. Lately I have a hard
 It is said that Chang-er, the wife of Houyi, stole the pill containing the elixir of immortality from her   time coming up with ideas for sculptures, but I was thinking about how important it is that we all have dreams and the incredible
 husband and in no time soared to the moon. Though there are Wu Kang chopping a huge cassia tree   realities that our minds can create inside our heads every night. I always hope that I can realize inside the dream that I am asleep,
 day and night and Jade Rabbit pounding elixir of the immortality, Chang-er is always lonely living alone   and that the entire world before me is entirely created by me. That I can take control of it at any moment if I just choose to. And at
 on the moon.  that moment, what would I do? I would fly with birds. I would fly fast in a vast open sky with friendly birds and beautiful music all
              around me. This sculpture is dedicated to the idea that we can all take control and fly if we choose to.
 82  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      83
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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