Page 84 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 84
異域刻劃 國際組 / 參賽作品 Other Works 寶島競沙 國內組 / 冠軍 The First Place
International 沙雕師 Montserrat Cuesta 國籍 西班牙 Spain Domestic 隊名:一起玩沙吧 隊長:丁元茜 隊員:呂佳雯、方智達
酷牛 Day Dream(白日夢)
牛是我國家的象徵,人們常將牠和危險、以及和野獸打鬥的畫 每個人的一生中都有著最想去的地方,然而在種種現實層面的問題下,這夢想的旅程出現
面聯想在一起,是源自於希臘神話和其他文化的概念。我想要表達 許多阻礙,無法心想事成。而作夢卻可以達成,在夢裡我們不會遇到現實世界會碰到的問題,在
的是:在不同的時空當中,牛只是一個動物的表徵,因此,在作品 夢裡我們可以去任何想去的地方,藉由不同的夢境體驗不同的旅程。在這幻想的國度裡,我們有
中呈現出和孩童玩耍的牛做為畫面,也暗喻人類必須要向前進化。 著一張暢行無阻的通行證,和我們一起作白日夢吧 !
Cool Bull Day Dream
The bull is a symbol in my country. Always is associated with Everyone has their dream places they want to visit in their lifetime. However, there might be obstacles
something dangerous, the fight against the beast, a concept come from they encounter, making these dream places unable to be achieved.In this situation, dreams become the
greek mythology and other cultures. I want to underline the times are best tools for us to visit places we dream of because there are no obstacles in the dream world. Moreover,
different, our beats another ones and the bull, is just an animal. In this we can experience different journeys in different dreams. In the dream world, everyone holds a pass which
case, cool animal who plays with the boy. The men must evolve. leads us to everywhere in the world. Let’s dream together.
84 金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界 旅。沙裡世界 85
Incredible Golden Sand Legends Sand Sculpture Works