Page 88 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 88

寶島競沙                          國內組 / 佳作                      Masterpiece                                       國內組 / 佳作                      Masterpiece

        Domestic                     隊名:人生勝利組  隊長:何明謙   隊員:鄭雅文、劉姿廷、陳奕如                                               隊名:華岡幫  隊長:許瑜珍  隊員:康嘉娟、梁若珩、吳軒宇、潘格邑

            人生旅程                                                                                                     回家的路上

                 人生如同一列火車,沿途會經過許多的風景,也會遇到許多的人,我們都在這旅程                                                                    以前看見別人出國到其他國家旅遊,總是很羨慕,總是帶著許多美好的想像。直到
            中學習成長,而這每一段故事每一個瞬間,都能成為一段回憶,一個永恆。我們沿著火                                                                   自己真的走出臺灣到澳洲,在那裡生活了一年,雖然沒有過得特別精采,但那裡的人文

            車繼續往上爬,爬到一個勝利的高點,正是因為我們要站在世界的頂端,做一個勝利者;                                                                  風景、所有的一切,都是我所夢想過的,如今在我眼前那麼真實,卻也讓我特別想念臺
            而我們也可以坐上這時光的列車,回憶這過往的雲煙,不論是好是壞,這都是我們的旅                                                                   灣,突然有種「原本每段旅程都是為了往回家的路生而發生」的感觸。
            程,是我們記憶中的寶庫,請雙腳著地,我們準備出發囉 !

            A lifetime journey                                                                                       On the way home

                 Life is like a train passing by different scenery and encountering different people along the way. We    I always admired people who could visit other countries in the past. With all kinds of wonderful
            learn new things through this journey. Every story and moment during this journey will turn into a memory and   imaginations, I finally realized my dream to live in Australia for one year. Though the life there was not as
            eternity at the same time.We would like to climb up along the train to reach the highest point because we want   wonderful as I expcted, I got to experience the foreign culture, scenery, and everything I have ever dreamed
            to be winners on top of the world. We can also take the time train to recall what happened in the past. These   of in my life. Surprisingly, this journey made me miss Taiwan extremely and realized that ‘returning home is
            journeys are precious treasures which last forever in our hearts. Now, let’s get ready to start our journey.   the ultimate feeling of every journey in your lifetime.’

      88   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      89
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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