Page 38 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 38



                 When will you Marry?

                保羅高更所繪製的二個大溪地女人的畫作,                      A sensuous Paul Gauguin painting of two Tahitian
                                                         girls has been sold for a record USD$300 million!
                以美金 3 億美金的高價賣出。另一幅高更的
                                                         Titled “When will you Marry”, this artwork is currently
                作品—你何時結婚,也是 2015 年賣出最昂                   the most expensive painting sold in 2015. Gauguin's
                貴的畫作之一。                                  Tahiti-period paintings are among the most admired
                                                         and coveted artworks of the Post-Impressionist
                在高更所有作品中,在大溪地的創作最為人                      period. This particular piece, focusing on the
                                                         enigmatic interplay between two girls in a Polynesian
                所推崇,同時也是後印象派時期最具代表性                      landscape, was painted during the first of the artist's
                的作品。這幅特別的作品,是高更位在大溪                      two spells living in Tahiti.

       38  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand ∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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