Page 35 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 35



                Old Caoling Tunnel Bikeway

              舊草嶺自行車隧道是北臺灣第一條以鐵路隧道                       The Old Caoling Tunnel is the first railway tunnel-
                                                         turned-biking path in northern Taiwan with elements
                                                         of history, culture, and tourism. Since this old tunnel
              觀光的元素特色;每當火車經過時,還可聽到                       is just beside the new one, the humming sounds
              一旁新草嶺隧道隆隆的火車聲,彷彿走進復古                       of the train can be heard inside its old counterpart,
                                                         making it a popular nostalgic spot for visitors.The
              的時光隧道。舊草嶺環狀線自行車道入圍世界                       Old Caoling Trail Circle-Line Bikeway was named
              旅遊觀光委員會 (WTTC) 所頒發的 2015 明日旅               a finalist in the Destination Award category of the
                                                         Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2015, WTTC. This
                                                         trail, known as Taiwan's first and only contestant
              圍,實屬臺灣的榮耀。                                 in the Destination Award category, creates an
                                                         honorable record in Taiwan's history.
              觀賞     沙雕師以純熟的技術,重現隧道北口制天險                 Sand sculpture focus |  The  sculpting  master
              小tips  的景色,展現出樹葉茂密之姿態。                     reproduces the scenery of leafy forest at the
                                                         northern entrance of the tunnel.

                                                                                         〘雕沙.精刻細琢  35
                                                                                            Precise carving
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