Page 33 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 33

Glory of Golden Sand-
                         the most exciting sand sculpture event this year!

                             The 2016 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival will take place at Fulong Beach
                         from May 7th to July 10th at Fulong Beach. Everyone is welcome to join us and witness the world’s
                         bests along the golden beach.
                             This is also the fourth year of holding Taiwan World Sand Sculpting Championship. This year,
                         24 talented sand sculptors from 13 countries, including USA, Canada, the Netherlands, France,
                         Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, the Czech Republic, Singapore, South Korea, China, Hong
                         Kong, and Taiwan, are invited to take part in this festive event. They are going to show off their
                         amazing skills to create a spectacular golden world.

                             To build an unprecedented glory of golden sand, talented sand sculpting masters have been
                         working on their sand sculptures since April 22nd in the hope of creating representative works in
                         various fields based on the theme of “Taiwan’s Bests”, including Taiwan’s first female president, the
                         bustling scenes of Taiwan’s night markets, the tallest building in the world, the glory of the world’s
                         best-selling albums, the charm of the most expensive painting in the world, the nostalgic ambience
                         of the Old Caoling Trail Bikeway, a scene of sky lanterns rising up in the sky, the most competitive
                         sprint race, and the country with the densest number of butterflies.

                             Among all the creations, Taiwan’s first female president whose term starts from May 20th
                         and the tallest building in the world with a height of 11 meters are both unprecedented records at
                         Fulong Beach.

                                                                                          雕沙.精刻細琢  33
                                                                                            Precise carving
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