Page 27 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 27

今年邁入黃金十週年的「2017 福隆國際沙雕藝術季」,
                                              主題為「福隆金沙 十年有城」,於 5 月 6 日至 7 月 16 日熱鬧
                                              在沙雕師精湛的工藝巧手下,一座高達 13 公尺的雄偉金沙城
                                              堡隆重登場,以此揭開 2017 福隆國際沙雕藝術季的序幕。

                                              「心目中的英雄」為主題,打造 20 座英雄主題沙雕創作守護
                                                  「2017 福隆國際沙雕藝術季」熱情邀請民眾前往福隆,


                                                  The 2017 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
                                              is scheduled to take place from May 6 to July 16, 2017 based on
                                              the theme of 'Celebrating the 10th Anniversary: A Castle of Golden
                                              Sands in Fulong.' As the festival is in its 10th year now, the number of
                                              international sand sculptors joining this event and the total number of
                                              sand sculptures also set a new record. A magnificent 13-meter-high
                                              castle is made through the collaboration of sand sculptors to kick off this
                                              grand festival.
                                                  Visitors will be able to enter the Sand Sculpture Display area by
                                              following navigation trees at the venue. Skilled sand sculpting masters
                                              display their creativity on the beach of Fulong to build a 10-year-old
                                              girl's fantasy world in an attempt to celebrate the 10th anniversary of
                                              this annual event in Fulong. This year's international contest will take
                                              the theme, "hero", and 20 "hero" sand sculptures will be created by the
                                              international artists and be displayed around the castle to create an
                                              image of heroes protecting the castle. On the other hand, "Treasure
                                              of the Golden Sands: Charming Fulong" being the competition theme
                                              for the domestic contest, sculptors are going to present Taiwan's local
                                              features through sands.
                                                  Everyone is cordially invited to join the 2017 Fulong International
                                              Sand Sculpture Art Festival. The gorgeous stretch of golden sand
                                              beaches in Fulong and amazing sand sculptures are definitely going to
                                              offer all the visitors a fantastic journey in Fulong.

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