Page 32 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 32
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工具備齊 整地準備
Prepare all the tools Site planning and design of soil
俗話說:「工欲善其事,必先利其器」, 創作大型沙雕工程浩大,事前須做好
沙雕是一項需要體力、耐力與創意的創作, 準備。首先訂定沙雕主題,再著手進行草
事前準備不可少,工具包含:油畫刀、刷 圖設計、規劃動線,接著再探勘地形、整
子、泥水鏟、噴壺、鐵鏟、吸管……等。 地、打地基、估算成品尺寸,並擬定各階
It is said that, "To do a good job, an artisan
needs the best tools." Composing a sand sculpture There are numerous preparations that need
requires physical strength, patience, and creativity. to be done before making sand sculptures. First
It is necessary to get all the tools ready, including of all, the theme will need to be decided before
painting knives, paintbrushes, trowels, water spray sketching and arranging visitors' movement
bottles, shovels, and straws. patterns. Secondly, it comes to inspecting the
location, preparing the soil, laying the foundations,
and estimating the actual size of the sand
sculpture before setting up the implementation
schedule and goals in different stages.
30 福隆金沙.十年有城︱ Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade