Page 23 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 23

2012                                          2013

            點沙成金                                          鼓動童心

            Turning Sand into Gold                        Rattle-Drum and Childhood Memories

                以各國最具代表性的卡通、名人、歷史故事、                         童年回憶的美好令人難忘!在各國沙雕師精
            恐龍與國家特色為元素,集結各國好手聯合創作,                        雕細琢的巧手下,將龍貓、老夫子、海賊王、變
            其精雕細琢的雕工技法,贏得各年齡層遊客同聲                         形金剛等化為一座座沙雕,呈現童話的樂趣。首
            讚嘆!                                           創「臺灣世界沙雕大賽」隆重登場,展開福隆沙
                Talented sculptors present a variety of elements
            added to the sand sculpture event this year, including   Sand sculpting experts from the world make sand
            cartoon, celebrities, historical stories, dinosaurs, and   sculptures like Totoro, Old Master Q, One Piece, and
            national characteristics. Their stunning carving skills have   Transformers in the hope of recreating the lovely childhood
            received loud applause from visitors of all ages.   memories. This is also the first year to hold 'Taiwan World
                                                          Sand Sculpting Championship' to open a new chapter in

                                                                               十分.經典︱ Classic artwork  21
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