Page 7 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 7
၅ඤږӍ h ɤϋϞ۬ķķķķ 37 ɷϋዓܸٙˏķķķķ 50
Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade Guidance from the millennial tree
2017 ၅ඤყӍᎉᖵஔ֙ķķķķ 38 ˂Դၾెᚭķķķķ 51
2017 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival The angel and demon
ˏኬዓķķķķ 39 ɽږķķķķ 52
Navigation trees A giant King Kong
ɤ๋ٙʃɾ܀ķķķķ 40 ɧ᎘Ꮂ̃Ҕķķķķ 53
A ten-year old little girl Hydra (three-headed dragon)
ࠌึٙʾķķķķ 41 ˬᚭˮķķķķ 54
Special guests Bull Demon King
ᘆᘒᆀನਜķķķķ42 ُनၚķķķķ 55
Lihpaoland Huli Jing (fox spirit)
ڀၚᜳķķķķ 43 ˚Έकथɛķķķķ 56
Fairies Sunbathing with a werewolf
ጟ؈܊ķķķķ 44 ډၾҍķķķķ 57
Hansel and Gretel (Candy house) Auntie Tigress and the witch
Ҏૐᄝݰķķķķ 45 ԝग़ၾ୵ڗķķķķ 58
The Wish Fountain The false god and captain
৵ԓၾ࠭৵ķķķķ 46 ⶋ܉ၾіА৺ķķķķ 59
The carriage and flying horses The zombie and vampire
ెЪᄌʃ˂Դķķķķ 47 ߵඪᆀྠķķķķ 60
A naughty little angel A paradise of heroes
˂Դٙज़၅ķķķķ 48 νڀķķķķ 61
Blessings from angels Ruhua
Ӳ܀ၾऎᎳķķķķ 49 थ˧ķķķķ 62
A boy and a sea turtle Wolf claws