Page 11 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 11


              Words from the Director of the Northeast and
              Yiland Coast National Scenic Area Administration

                今年正逢黃金十年,第十屆「2017 福隆國際沙雕藝術季」結合眾多國際沙雕師精湛的雕工,打造
            歷年來最高的「福隆金沙,十年有城」主城堡沙雕,其創造紀錄的高度 13 公尺磅礡氣勢,象徵福隆國
                今年邀請 13 國共 22 位沙雕師前來福隆共襄盛舉,一起激盪創作火花,藉由國際沙雕師高超的技

            際舞台,讓國內外民眾享受世界級的精采盛宴,也讓第十屆「2017 福隆國際沙雕藝術季」畫下完美句

                Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival is organized by the Northeast and Yiland Coast National Scenic Area
            Administration which has extensive experience in organizing various events. Successes from the past have led to an increasing
            number of people participating at this event every year and made Fulong a second to none spot for people who are crazy about sand
            sculpture in Taiwan. For its soft, highly cohesive white quartz sands, Fulong beach is acknowledged by the World Sand Sculpting
            Association to be the best for making sand sculptures in Taiwan.
                It has been ten years since the Administration held the first Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival in 2008. This
            summer, many skilled sand sculptors will present to the public a magical castle of golden quartz sands that they have built at 2017
            Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival. This 13-meter-high sand castle is built to symbolize the great success from the past
            at Fulong beach. This Taiwan's tallest-ever sand sculpture is definitely going to amaze all the visitors.
                A total of 22 outstanding artists from 13 foreign countries around the world were invited by the organizers to show off their skills.
            This year's international contest will take the theme, "hero", and 20 "hero" sand sculptures will be created by the international artists
            and be displayed around the 13-meter-high castle to create an image of heroes protecting the castle. In addition, the Sand Sculpture
            Display area uses a 10-year-old girl as its main character to create a fairytale-like atmosphere. Visitors are going to witness all kinds
            of sand sculptures in the world of fantasy to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival.
                We would like to express our gratitude to all the staff members and non-governmental organizations. With their devotion
            and support, Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival becomes a renowned world-class artistic festival which provides a
            magnificent visual show to visitors from all over the world. Their efforts have helped and contributed to making this 2017 Fulong
            International Sand Sculpture Art Festival a fabulous success.

                                  交通部觀光局東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處 處長
                  Director of the Northeast and Yiland Coast National Scenic Area Administration, Chen Mei-hsiu

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