Page 10 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 10


           Words from the Director General
           of the Tourism Bureau

          綠色環保、永續使用的概念。近年來,觀光局積極推動兼具在地特色及環保的觀光活動,將 2017 年定
          富有生態旅遊的價值,與「2017 生態旅遊年」的核心理念一致。


             Sand art is the practice of modeling sand into an artistic form which integrates sculpture, culture, painting, architecture, physical
          ability, and entertainment. This sand sculpting event for all ages is designed based on the concepts of environmental protection and
          sustainable development. The Tourism Bureau has been actively promoting a series of sightseeing activities emphasizing on local
          features as well as environmental protection. Taiwan has initiated "Ecotourism Year 2017" with the introduction of national in-depth
          ecotourism activities throughout the year. The harmonious combination of natural landscapes and artificial creation demonstrated at
          Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival corresponds to the core beliefs of the "Ecotourism Year 2017."
             Now in its tenth year, Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival has successfully become a major tourist attraction not
          only in Taiwan but also in the globe through efforts by the government and private enterprises. Fulong International Sand Sculpture
          Art Festival has been growing in popularity in recent years. The sand sculpting festival on Fulong's gorgeous stretch of golden sand
          beaches on the northeast coast has become a major attraction on this island. The sand sculpting event will still be jointly held by
          the Northeast and Yiland Coast National Scenic Area Administration and Fullon Hotels & Resorts of LihPao Construction like in the
          past years. With collected resources from private companies and experiences from the Tourism Bureau, Fulong International Sand
          Sculpture Art Festival has become a must-visit sight on this island.
             Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival has made Fulong well-known in the globe and created international features
          with local elements. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has proclaimed 2017 as the "International Year of
          Sustainable Tourism for Development." This sand sculpting event not only promotes Taiwan's local features but also responds to the
          concept of 'sustainable travel' proclaimed by the UNWTO. We hope that Fulong can become a place for world-class sand sculpting
          masters to spread their creativity in Asia with its distinctive features of Taiwan's northern beaches and this grand event can be passed
          on from generation to generation.
                                                              交通部觀光局 局長
                                           Tourism Bureau Director-General, Chou Yung-hui

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