Page 70 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 70
2017 ၽᝄ˰ޢӍᎉɽᒄ : 心目中的英雄
2017 Taiwan World Sculpting Championship: Hero
大展開,以「心目中的英雄」為主題,邀請 14 國 ( 含臺灣 ) 國際沙雕師前來共襄盛舉,共同角
The International sand sculpting competition held during Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
has become a well-known annual event for international artists to show their talents to the world. This year's
contest takes the theme, "hero", and 20 magnificent sand sculptures are created by 14 international artists
(including Taiwan) to compete for the highest honor. These skilled sand sculpting masters create 20 'hero' sand
sculptures which are displayed around the golden sand castle to make this castle indestructible.
ߵඪԸᑗ The arrival of the Heroes
'Hero' is the theme of this year's Fulong
International Sand Sculpture Competition.
The sand sculpture at the entrance is
consistent with the main castle. The
hammer of Thor is used to inform
visitors about the area of the
International Competition Zone,
where the breathtaking sand
sculptures created by
artists from around the
68 福隆金沙.十年有城︱ Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade