Page 71 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 71

﹝國際比賽 International ﹞                 第 1 名
                                                                           The First Place

                                       ͉ࢗ؛ᔛ                            2017 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival International Sand Sculpting Championship
                                       Miyamoto Musashi

                                       宮本武藏在 400 年前的日本是一位傳奇武士,他參與六十次以上的戰
             ڭ䃌ڲܗ                      Miyamoto Musashi is a legendary samurai who is a real person in Japan about 400
             Toshihiko Hosaka          years ago. He has done more than 60 times duels and has never been defeated in his
             日本╱ Japan                 life. Also, Musashi, an artist who left not only the skill of the sword but also excellent
                                       works in paintings and sculptures. So he is my longing hero.

                                                                           十在 ‧ 精彩︱ Wonderful moments   69
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