Page 75 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 75

﹝國際比賽 International ﹞
                                                                        Honorable Mention

                                       ໋ඪ͚ή                          2017 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival International Sand Sculpting Championship
                                       Mahatma Gandhi

                                       度在 1947 年迎來了最終的獨立,甘地想傳達給全世界的理念是-透過
             Ӎᎉࢪ                       不聽惡詞、不說惡言」。甘地喜愛以簡樸的生活自居,他真是人民英
             Pramod Pattanaik
             印度╱ India                 雄的楷模。
                                       Mahatma Gandhi "The Real Hero ever and forever", He strongly supported non-
                                       violence and truth. Independence, when it came in 1947 for India, His messages to
                                       the whole world are "Not to see evil, Not to talk evil and Not to hear evil" through three
                                       monkeys. He is very spiritual person and always follow "Gita" (The Universal Truth). He
                                       loves to live in simplicity. He is really an example and the "Hero" for all of us.

                                                                           十在 ‧ 精彩︱ Wonderful moments   73
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80