Page 51 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 51

 侵蝕作用 差異侵蝕  候溫和且潮濕,一年中約有半年承受強烈的東北

 Erosion processes and   季風吹拂,加以海浪侵蝕作用,風化作用進行得                         風化作用
 Differential Erosion Processes  色各樣的奇岩怪石。        Weathering Processes

 雨水、河水、地下水、波浪、冰河、風、生  There are many strange rocks in the northeast   Weathering is a process by which rock eventually
 coast and the shapes of these rocks tell us that each   the strange shape, the rock is colorful. The color is
 物等對地表的破壞作用,稱為侵蝕作用。廣義的  becomes soil. There are many factors that can enhance   partly due to its mineral composition and partly due to
 has a different hardness. In fact, the hardness is
 侵蝕作用包括搬運作用和堆積作用。在砂岩與頁  weathering processes such as salt weathering which   the weathering that changes the color, especially the
 related to the type of sediment and its bonding, the
 岩互層的岩層裡,由於砂岩較頁岩來得堅硬,經  degree of weathering, and the degree of jointing.  The   can cause chemical alteration to the rock structures   surface color.  When the rocks are wetted by the waves
           and cement. Weathering processes can increase the   they sparkle and shine in the sun light.
 過一段時間的風化作用或流水侵蝕之後,砂岩的  joints are formed when the crust is deformed and if   rate of erosion of rock by increasing the susceptibility
 there are many joints the rock is easily eroded.  This
 岩層較為凸出,而頁岩的岩層則凹陷進去,明顯  to wave attack. Because of the hot and humid climate,
 difference in rock hardness is the main reason for the
 的凹凸情形,此稱為差異侵蝕。  weathering rates are very high in Taiwan. Apart from
 variety of rock forms which makes the landscape so

 地質圖書                                                            Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area
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